
Paraphrase without plagiarizing


Mastering the art of paraphrasing is essential for both college students and professionals, as it forms the foundation for crafting outstanding academic essay and research papers. Proper paraphrasing enables the incorporation of information from credible sources into research papers, term papers, dissertations, theses, and other assignments without resorting to direct quotations. This guide explores the correct approach to paraphrasing, offering valuable insights for those seeking to enhance their paraphrasing skills.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is a fundamental skill in academia, involving the rephrasing of a text in the writers own words while preserving its original meaning. It requires a careful interpretation of the source material, followed by the creation of a new rendition with appropriate citations to acknowledge the source. Successful paraphrasing is essentially about effective rewriting, a skill that becomes more proficient with practice.

Importance of Learning Paraphrasing:

  1. Limitation on Excessive Quoting: College Professors often restrict the use of excessive quotes in academic papers. Paraphrasing becomes essential for discussing information from various sources without over-relying on direct quotations thus preventing penalties associated with exceeding quote limits.

  2. Plagiarism Reduction: With plagiarism detection tools becoming commonplace, papers with high similarity scores are scrutinized further. Proper paraphrasing significantly reduces the risk of plagiarism, ensuring that the content is presented in an original and unique manner.

  3. Enhanced Word and Phrase Choice: Paraphrasing facilitates the development of a diverse vocabulary, allowing writers to express thoughts clearly and creatively. It provides alternative words, phrases, and terms, contributing to improved academic writing.

  4. Reduction of Problematic Language: Proficient paraphrasing helps writers avoid the use of outdated or complex language. Those skilled in paraphrasing can articulate their thoughts differently, minimizing the reliance on problematic language in their academic work.

  5. Improved Word Flow: Writers struggling with the flow of their papers can benefit from mastering paraphrasing techniques. It enables the exploration of different ways to express ideas, resulting in enhanced coherence and fluidity in writing.

Difference Between Summarizing and Paraphrasing:

While summarizing involves condensing the main idea of a text, paraphrasing requires a comprehensive rewriting of the original text without losing its meaning. Summarizing yields a truncated version, whereas paraphrasing produces a text roughly similar in size to the original.

Step-by-Step Guide to Paraphrasing

  1. Read the Text: Before paraphrasing, thoroughly understand the original text by reading it multiple times. Comprehension is crucial for accurate paraphrasing.

  2. Write Key Points from Memory: After reading, jot down the main points from memory using your own words. Ensure chronological and coherent representation of the ideas.

  3. Compare with Original Text: Compare your paraphrased version with the original text to ensure it retains the intended meaning. Verify that the new text is both accurate and significantly different.

  4. Convert Points into Sentences: If paraphrasing in point form, convert key points into sentences and paragraphs to align with the structure of academic papers.

  5. Check for Overall Sense and Similar Words: Review the final paraphrased text to ensure coherence and uniqueness. Identify and replace any remaining words similar to the original text.

  6. Cite Correctly: Properly cite the paraphrased text to avoid plagiarism. Adhere to the recommended citation format, including in-text citations and references.

Effective Paraphrasing Methods

  1. Use Your Own Words: The primary method involves rewriting the text entirely in your own words. Verify the uniqueness by comparing it with the original text and make necessary adjustments.

  2. Use Synonyms: Employ synonyms strategically to enhance the distinctiveness of the paraphrased text. Exercise caution to preserve the context and meaning of the original ideas.

  3. Change Sentence Structure: Alter sentence structures to further differentiate the paraphrased content. However, avoid overuse to maintain coherence and clarity.

  4. Add Extra Information: Introduce additional relevant information to augment the paraphrased text, ensuring it contributes value to the reader while enhancing uniqueness.


Is paraphrasing considered plagiarism? No, paraphrasing is not plagiarism. It is a legitimate method to avoid plagiarism by rephrasing content in one's own words while providing proper citation.

Can I pay someone to paraphrase my essay or paper? Certainly, you can hire professionals to paraphrase your essay. Services like customwritershub.com offer assistance in both writing original papers and paraphrasing existing ones.

Must I cite when paraphrasing? Yes, proper citation is essential when paraphrasing to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism.

Can I paraphrase and submit a past assignment? No, paraphrasing a previous assignment and submitting it is considered self-plagiarism. New assignments should be written afresh to maintain academic integrity.

In conclusion, mastering the art of paraphrasing is indispensable for academic success, enabling writers to incorporate information effectively while maintaining originality and avoiding plagiarism. By following the provided guide and employing effective paraphrasing methods, individuals can enhance their skills and produce compelling, well-cited academic papers








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Published on: 08, Mar 2024
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