
The Unstoppable rise of AI Essay writers

What is an AI Essay writer?

An AI essay writer refers to a software or application powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology that is designed to generate written content, including essays, articles, research papers and more. These AI-powered tools utilize natural language processing, machine learning algorithms, and large datasets/ database to understand human language, synthesize it and produce coherent, contextually relevant text.

AI essay writers usually vary in complexity and capabilities. Some basic AI writing tools can assist with grammar checking, sentence restructuring, and basic content generation. More advanced AI essay writers can engage in meaningful conversations, understand and contextualize your prompts, provide explanations, and even help users develop and refine their ideas for essays and papers.

These AI systems are trained on vast amounts of data from various online  sources, including books, articles, websites, and other textual materials, enabling them to mimic human writing styles and produce content on a wide range of topics. However, it's important to note that while AI essay writers can be valuable aids in generating ideas and improving writing quality, they may not always capture the nuances and creativity of human writers.

How do AI Essay writers work?

AI essay writers work by leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms and database to generate text with a bit of human touch. Here's a simplified explanation of how they work:

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing: AI essay writers are fed and trained on vast amounts of text data, including books, articles, essays, papers and other written content. This data is preprocessed to extract useful features and patterns.

  2. Machine Learning Algorithms: This is the  core of an AI essay writer, often based on architectures like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). These models are trained using a technique called unsupervised learning, where the model learns to predict the next word in a sentence based on the context provided by the preceding words.

  3. Contextual Understanding: One of the key strengths of AI essay writers is their ability to understand context. They analyze the input prompt or topic and generate text that is relevant, coherent and up to date

  4. Generation Process: When you provide a prompt or topic to an AI essay writer, it processes the input, puts the text into perspective ie contextualizes it and generates text accordingly. The generation process involves predicting the most likely next word or phrase based on the input and the learned patterns from the training data.

  5. Fine-tuning and Optimization: AI essay writers can be fine-tuned or optimized for specific tasks or writing  styles. For example, they can be trained on academic writing styles, creative writing, technical writing, etc., to better suit different types of essay requirements.

  6. Output Evaluation: The generated text is often evaluated based on verifiable metrics such as coherence, relevance, grammar, and plagiarism checks to ensure the quality and originality of the content.

Examples of AI Essay writers

There are several AI-powered platforms and tools that can assist with essay writing. Some examples of AI essay writers include:

  1. AI Writer: This platform uses advanced AI algorithms to generate essays, articles, and other content. The essays are decent though not high quality compared to some ofits competitors. It can be  helpful with structuring essays, generating ideas, and improving writing style.

  2. Grammarly: While Grammarly is primarily known as a grammar checker and writing assistant, it also incorporates AI to provide suggestions for improving the overall quality and clarity of essays. The AI tool also incorporates an AI detection checker that will detect AI generated essays and papers

  3. Hemingway Editor: Although not strictly an AI essay writer, Hemingway Editor uses algorithms to analyze text and provide suggestions for improving readability, sentence structure, and overall writing style. It is not a traditional AI essay writer per se but utilizes AI alogarithms in its function

  4. QuillBot: QuillBot is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool that can help rewrite and rephrase sentences to improve the flow and clarity of essays. It can be used to paraphrase other AI genrated essays to make them more human. It's useful for generating alternative versions of sentences or paragraphs.

  5. Scribbr: Scribbr offers AI-powered services for proofreading, editing, AI detection and plagiarism checking. While it doesn't generate essays from scratch, it can enhance the quality of existing essays through AI alogarithms driven feedback and suggestions.

  6. WriteLab: This platform combines AI with human expertise to provide feedback on papers and essays. It analyzes writing style, grammar, clarity, and coherence, offering suggestions for improvement and corrections.

  7. ProWritingAid: Similar to Grammarly, ProWritingAid uses AI algorithms to analyze and improve writing. It offers suggestions for grammar, style, structure, and readability, making it useful for essay writing.

Pros of using AI essay writers


  1. Time-saving:  Due to their speed in generating essays, AI essay writers can  save you time on research and writing. They can help you beat tight deadlines or free up time for other tasks.

  2. Enhanced productivity:  AI writers can enhance and boost creativity by automating certain aspects of the writing process. This in turn gives you time to focus on higher-level tasks while letting the AI handle the smaller tasks such as  grammar, spelling, and basic structure.

  3. Improved writing quality: AI tools can provide quick feedback on grammar, style, and clarity, helping you improve the overall quality of  essays. They can identify common mistakes and suggest corrections, leading to more polished writing.

  4. Idea generation: Some AI essay writers are smart enough to generate ideas or suggest topics based on input prompts. This can be especially helpful when you're struggling to come up with content or faced with writers block and  need inspiration.

  5. Language assistance: For non-native English speakers or those learning a new language, AI essay writers can provide help with language and vocabulary, helping improve sentence structure, and overall writing skills.

  6. Plagiarism detection: Many AI writing tools include plagiarism detection features, ensuring that your essays are original and free from any unintentional plagiarism. Surprisingly some AI essay writing tools also incorporate an AI detector that can detect AI generated essays

  7. Accessibility: AI essay writers are easily accessible online and can be used at  anytime and  anywhere as long as you have internet connection. This makes them convenient for students, professionals, and writers who need writing assistance on the go.

  8. Consistency: AI essay writers can help create and maintain consistency in writing style, tone, and formatting across different sections of an essay or multiple essays, ensuring a cohesive and professional presentation.

Cons of Using AI essay writers


  1. Lack of creativity: AI essay writers rely on algorithms and data patterns to generate content, which can result in a lack of creativity and originality. This is especially worse when the AI tool has not been updated recently. They may struggle to produce truly unique and innovative ideas or insights.

  2. Limited context understanding: AI tools may have difficulty understanding the context, nuances, and subtleties of certain topics, leading to inaccurate or inappropriate content generation. This again is due to the fact that most AI tools have to be updated time and time again as new data and alogarithms are fed

  3. Overreliance: Depending too heavily on AI essay writers can lead to overreliance and a reduction in critical thinking and writing skills.This in turn encourages laziness as users may become dependent on AI for generating content rather than developing their own ideas and arguments.

  4. Quality concerns: While AI can help with grammar, spelling, and basic structure, it may not always produce high-quality content that meets academic or professional standards. Users should carefully review and revise AI-generated content for accuracy and relevance prior to submission of essays

  5. Ethical considerations: There are ethical concerns related to using AI essay writers, especially in academia. Submitting AI-generated essays without proper attribution or acknowledgment can constitute plagiarism, which is unethical and can have serious consequences.

  6. Limited customization: AI essay writers may offer limited customization options, making it challenging to tailor the content to specific requirements, styles, or preferences.

  7. Cost: Some advanced AI writing tools may come with subscription fees or exorbitant pricing plans, which can be costly for individuals or organizations with limited budgets.

  8. Data privacy and security: Users should be cautious about sharing sensitive or confidential information with AI writing platforms, as data privacy and security issues can arise if proper safeguards are not in place.

Can AI Essays be detected

AI-generated essays can sometimes be detected, especially by individuals who are familiar with the capabilities and limitations of AI writing tools. However, the detection can vary depending on various factors: It is worth noting that there are several AI detection tools that Learning instituitions have adopted. Detection by a reader can however be determined by:

  1. Quality of Writing: Higher-quality AI-generated essays may be harder to detect because they mimic human writing styles more effectively. Lower-quality essays often exhibit robotic or unnatural language patterns that can raise eyebrows.

  2. Content Originality: Plagiarism detection tools can sometimes flag AI-generated content if it closely matches existing sources or if it contains unusual language patterns not commonly found in human writing. 

  3. Contextual Understanding: Though Advanced AI models can understand context and generate relevant content, some AI-generated essay lacks depth, coherence, or relevance to the topic. This may raise suspicions to a keen reader

  4. Human Review: Experienced Professors, teachers or evaluators may notice subtle clues that pinpoint AI involvement, such as inconsistencies in writing style, sudden shifts in tone, or unusual vocabulary choices.

  5. Technical Indicators: Metadata identifiers such as file creation dates or IP addresses associated with the submission, can sometimes reveal AI involvement if the essay or paper was generated using online platforms.

Are AI generated Essays Illegal?

The legality of AI-generated essays depends on several factors, including the purpose of the essay, how it's used, and whether it complies with academic integrity standards. Here are some considerations:

  1. Purpose: If an AI generates an essay for personal use, such as for practice or learning purposes, it is generally not illegal. However, if the essay is used for academic submissions, particularly if it's presented as the work of the person who didn't actually write it, it can be considered unethical and could violate academic integrity policies leading toserious ramifications

  2. Copyright and Plagiarism: AI-generated content can potentially infringe on copyright if it copies text verbatim from copyrighted sources without proper attribution or granted permission. Plagiarism is also a concern if AI-generated essays are submitted as original work without acknowledging their AI origin or citing the sources they were based on.

  3. Academic Integrity Policies: Most educational institutions have strict policies against plagiarism and require students to submit original written work. Using AI to generate essays and passing them off as one's own can lead to academic penalties, including failing grades, suspension, or expulsion.

  4. Ethical Considerations: Beyond legal and academic considerations, there are ethical and moral concerns about misrepresenting AI-generated content as human-authored work. This includes potential deception of readers or evaluators who may assume the work ismthe writers'  original and authentic text.

  5. Disclosure and Transparency: In some unique cases, it may be acceptable to use AI-generated content as long as it's disclosed and properly attributed. For example, if a student uses AI to generate ideas or drafts but then writes the final essay themselves, they should disclose the AI's contribution and cite any relevant sources. This however depends on the Assignement guidelines and College Policy

In summary, while AI-generated essays themselves may not be inherently illegal, their use in academic contexts without proper disclosure or attribution can breach academic integrity standards and ethical guidelines. It's important for students and educators to understand the implications of using AI tools in academic work and to comply with relevant policies and ethical principles.

Can I incorporate human touch to my AI generated essay?

Yes, you can definitely incorporate a human touch to an AI-generated essay to make it more appealing.  While AI tools can help with generating content, they may lack the emotional depth, creativity, and personal perspective that human writers bring to their work. Adding a human touch can enhance the quality and authenticity of the essay. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Editing and Revising: After the AI generates the initial draft, you can edit and revise the content to add your own voice, style, and personal insights. This includes refining sentences, rephrasing ideas, and adding new perspectives that reflect your unique viewpoint with regards to the society we live in.

  2. Adding Personal Experiences: Incorporate personal anecdotes, experiences, and examples as essay hooks to make the essay more relatable and engaging. Sharing real-life stories or reflections can add depth and authenticity to the content.

  3. Expressing Emotions and Opinions: Use language and tone  that conveys your emotions, opinions, and beliefs on the topic. Expressing empathy, passion, or curiosity can create a stronger connection with the reader and make the essay more appealing.

  4. Citing Sources and Referencing: If the AI-generated content includes information from external sources, ensure proper citation and referencing to give credit to the original authors and maintain academic integrity. this will save you alot of troubles with your supervisor or Professor

  5. Structuring and Organizing: Arrange the content to flow  in a logical and coherent manner, using headings, subheadings, and transitions to guide the reader through the essay smoothly. A well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion enhances readability and comprehension. use attention grabbing hooks in different headings to give the essay a personal touch

  6. Proofreading and Polishing: Finally, proofread the essay carefully to catch any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Pay close attention to details such as grammar tone, language style, and overall flow to ensure a polished and professional piece of writing.

By incorporating these human elements into an AI-generated essay, you can create a more nuanced, authentic, and impactful piece of writing that reflects your own voice and perspective.

What is the future of AI with regards to Essay writing?

The future of AI in essay generation holds significant promise and potential for transforming the way we create, consume, and interact with texts and written content. As artificial intelligence technologies continue to increase and  advance, they are increasingly capable of generating high-quality essays that are coherent, informative, and tailored to specific topics or purposes. This evolution in AI-driven essay generation is poised to have a profound impact on various fields, including education, content creation, and communication.

One of the key areas where AI-powered essay generation is expected to make a significant and groundshaking impact is in education.  This is because the Education sectors is one of the biggest consumers or users of AI. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of information and generate well-structured essays on complex topics. This capability can be leveraged in educational settings to assist students in learning and mastering different subjects. For instance, AI-generated essays can serve as study materials, providing students with comprehensive insights and explanations of various concepts. Moreover, AI can offer personalized feedback and suggestions for improving writing skills, enabling students to enhance their critical thinking and analytical abilities.


AI-driven essay generation is set to revolutionize content creation across industries, complementing traditional education methods. Content creators such as marketers, journalists, and authors can leverage AI tools to swiftly produce engaging essays on a wide range of topics. This not only simplifies content creation but also ensures a consistent and accurate message delivery. AI's ability to analyze audience preferences and trends enables the customization of essays that resonate with specific target demographics, thereby enhancing content effectiveness and engagement.

Furthermore, AI-powered essay generation fosters multilingual communication and cross-cultural understanding. By generating content in multiple languages, AI helps overcome language barriers, promoting global collaboration and idea exchange in our interconnected world.

Nevertheless, despite the vast potential of AI in essay generation, there are ethical concerns to address, particularly regarding plagiarism and intellectual property rights. Establishing guidelines for responsible AI use in essay generation, including proper attribution and credit, is crucial.

Additionally, ongoing research and development are essential to enhance AI algorithms' capabilities in understanding context, tone, and style in essay generation. Advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning will significantly improve the quality and sophistication of AI-generated essays.

In summary, AI's future in essay generation holds promise for transforming education, content creation, and communication. As AI technologies advance, we anticipate more sophisticated systems capable of generating high-quality essays tailored to diverse user needs. However, it's vital to address ethical considerations and invest in continuous research to maximize AI's benefits while minimizing risks.









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Published on: 15, Mar 2024
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